Orbit Articles

OrbitCard, your Trustworthy Card

OrbitCard, your Trustworthy Card

Day by day, we visit numerous sites and platforms that request access to our personal data, real-time location and the camera or microphone of our devices. We are used to accepting cookies and every pop-up message to keep browsing the net. Even at OrbitCard, we provide you with information about your users' profile, the engagement of your content and your digital card interaction, while enabling different functions that optimize your presentation experience.

Nevertheless, we know that when it comes to work-related issues, doubts are on the rise. So, understanding your privacy value, from Orbit we will never share nor commercialize that information. To safeguard your content, we have incorporated sound security practices that ensure the care of your data and that of your clients.

The entire infrastructure of your card and all communications associated with it have the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certification issued by Amazon. This technology enables to encrypt the traffic of personal and financial data between different web servers so as to preserve the connection and prevent it from being intercepted. Moreover, it follows the HTTSP security and confidence protocol that incorporates these acronyms at the beginning of every URL along with a padlock icon on the browser bar for you to know you are protected, and you can check the certificate information, the issuing authority and the company that owns each site.

We work on these measures because we understand the value of trust and your piece of mind is our main concern. With OrbitCard, your expansion is safe!

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