Orbit Articles

Present your brand to the world

Present your brand to the world

What would you say if you had the opportunity to present your venture in just 3 minutes? How would you capture the attention of that potential client or investor you've been seeking?

We often imagine that moment, we crave it, but when it happens, we realize we weren't prepared. Words fall short, and the conversation in the shower seems far more professional than the reality.

In the effective exercise of envisioning our success, we must add training and preparation to capitalize on it fully. Techniques like the elevator pitch, public speaking, and coaching, among others, remind us that to talk about our venture, we not only need a clear commercial objective but also the resources to achieve it. What sets you apart from the rest? What drives you to pursue your project day by day? What needs do you address?

The key is to go beyond the what and the how and focus on the why. All those motivations that drive you every day to do what you do with the certainty that it creates opportunities not just for you but also for your surroundings. Practice your speech as many times as necessary, speak from your passion, and always keep your Orbit Card handy so that exploring your universe is simple, professional, and compelling.

A purpose-driven activity, a powerful narrative, and a cutting-edge tool are your three allies to conquer significant markets.

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